Patients with All-on-4 implants can enjoy a full and varied diet that includes hard, chewy foods. All-on-4 prevents dentures from moving when eating or speaking, allowing those who have experienced tooth loss to enjoy an optimal quality of life. Any side effects, if present, are usually temporary and will usually disappear within a week. Any pain or discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter medications.
A blender will be your best friend after surgery. From a few days to around two weeks after the procedure, your mouth, jaw, and throat may be sore, although the pain or swelling should gradually subside. During this time, a liquid diet that does not involve chewing is necessary. Here are some things to keep in mind during this period.
Firstly, most of the discomfort is felt immediately after the operation. It may be difficult to open your mouth or swallow. If your jaw feels stiff and it's hard for you to open your mouth, try applying moist heat and massaging it gently. Secondly, you can start drinking fluids right after the surgery.
Within the first 48 hours, try to drink only cold liquids. If you drink something hot, do so only after the numbness caused by the anesthesia has worn off and any bleeding has stopped. It is best to avoid hot or spicy liquids until the third or fourth day after surgery. Fourthly, you will be hungry as a result of drinking only liquids and abstaining from eating solid foods for about the first week after All-on-4 implant surgery.
At the same time, it is important to get adequate nutrition to prevent infections and speed up recovery. Be sure to drink nutrient-rich liquids and make sure to drink them often throughout the day. It's understandable that your intake is lower than usual since you've just had oral surgery, but you should bear in mind that nutrition is essential for recovery and without it can delay healing. The following is a guide to the foods you can eat for the first one to two weeks after surgery.
Fifthly, refrain from using a straw. The suction action can loosen blood clots that form and cause further bleeding and delay healing. Below is an example of a one-day menu for following a liquid diet immediately after All-on-4 surgery. It's important to note that you should include snacks to ensure you get the nutrition and calories you need for recovery.
You should choose foods that require minimal chewing, i.e., foods that can be spoon-fed. For the first few weeks after surgery, you can continue with the fluids listed above for the two-week period. Shakes, however, can be thicker. Oats no longer need diluting with milk or water.
And you can move on to other foods that can be eaten with a spoon, as long as they require minimal chewing and crunching. Below is an example of a one-day menu for a soft food diet after surgery. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you recover from All-on-4 implant surgery.